Everyone has a favourite kind of book, and this preference relies largely on the person’s interests and style. There are five main kinds of literature: Novels, Novellas, Short Stories, Poems, and Drama’s, and each has it’s own special characteristics. The type of books that I typically like more than any other are Novels and Short Stories because they can both be uniquely interesting to the reader, but out of these, in my opinion, Novels are better and more enjoyable because of several characteristics of which I will go into in the following.
The reason that I find such enjoyment in these is that they both hold key characteristics that I am fond of, but Novels are ones of which I take exceptional delight in reading. In the case of Novels, I find that they make good use of the length, and this is why most Novels hold suspense and contain a narrative that keeps the reader interested. However, I find the greatest pleasure in Adventure Novels, as unlike other kinds of Novels, these are able to hold my interest to a greater degree. But genres aside, I also appreciate how Novels build the story layer by layer, and therefore by the climax the reader has reached a maximum level of suspense. To sum it all up, I would say the thing that I most appreciate about novels is the use of length and detail to create an intriguing and suspenseful story.
Short Stories on the other hand can be very appreciated as well I enjoy Short Stories in a different way however, since I do not look for suspense and detail. On the contrary, I find that they are excellent for comic relief, and this definitely tends to attract the reader. They, like Novels, make good use of their length, and since Short Stories are not very long, it allows them to have a quick pace and amusing narrative. Another thing that I like about them is that they do not intimidate the reader, as some books are so long that the reader has to be in the right frame of mind to read them, but Short Stories are great to sit down and enjoy for five or ten minutes. Finally I would say that the Short Stories I have experienced are pleasant and easy to read due to their amusing and simple structure, that can be enjoyed by all.
Both Novels and Short Stories posses their enjoyable advantages, and special characteristics, but now it is time to compare them and see which, in my opinion, is the better option. It might seem odd to compare Novels and Short Stories, as they are almost polar opposites: Novels are long, detailed, and usually serious, and Short Stories are brief, quick paced, simple structured, and usually not very serious at all. However, there are some similarities, as that they both have plots that are sometimes very similar, and they can both use the same subject matter, by which I mean, they both can talk about the same thing, for instance historical events, or ideas, granted they can discuss them at different lengths. Both literature forms also often lend themselves to similar genres. Finally, both use the same structure as most stories, the only difference is that Novels go into much more depth. As far as literature goes, everyone has a favourite type, but in my opinion Novels are the best because of following. Number one Novels are long, this presents it’s advantages and disadvantages, however there are far more plusses, as, they do not suddenly end and leave the reader dissatisfied, and once the reader has completed the story, they are filled with satisfaction because of the wide range of themes in the book, such as the character development, the suspense, or the narrative. Another thing that I like about them over Short Stories, is that they hold my interest to a stronger degree because Novels take more time to do this, but once it is developed, the reader is deeply dedicated to the plot. Finally the reader can get far more out of a Novel, and by the end, may feel that he has really learned something, and this is also, in my opinion the most valuable thing about a Novel. In the end my argument really boils down to my opinion that, long, detailed, and interesting is better than short, quick paced, and amusing, and I believe this because of the reasons above.
Of my two favourite kinds of literature, Novels are the best, as they are packed with information, if well written they make the reader feel interested and invested, and by the end they are more rewarding than any other form of literature that I know of. I appreciate the various characteristics of Novels and how they impact the reader, and that is why they are such a popular and fine form of writing, as well as my favourite form.
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