Monday, 28 May 2018

Jonn Oakenson                                                                                                      
Mr. Mullins
RPC 6th grade English 
28 May 2018

“Vaccines do far more harm than good”
            The Government of Canada Says:
 “Vaccination is one of the world’s greatest public health achievements, along with sanitation, antibiotics and clean drinking water.
“For over 50 years, vaccines have helped prevent and control the spread of deadly disease in Canada and abroad.”(1)
            By doing more research, though, it can be clearly seen that the truth is quite contrary to what they say. Flu vaccines are designed to bring immunization towards the flu and other diseases, the way it works is a group of individuals go over to Asia to see which flu strains are active, and they collect samples of these, predict which ones will be active during the flu season, and based on their information will begin to formulate their vaccine, however, if the viruses that are active in the flu season are different from the ones that the authorities chose in Asia, they do not offer any protection. The worst of this is that even if the shots are not effective, the doctors will still inject people with them. To make the vaccine, the developers begin by cultivating viruses in chick embryos or other animal parts, so that it develops into the useable state. The vaccine itself contains ingredients that are thoroughly spine-chilling, the first is Thiomersal, it is used as a preservative in vaccines but contains large amounts of mercury and according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) most flu vaccines contain more than 250 times what the Environmental Protection Agency says is the mercury limit for our bodies. Flu Vaccines also contain ethylene glycol, also known as antifreeze or engine coolant, and it is very dangerous to the human body. Another ingredient in flu vaccines is phenol which is a carbolic acid, other ingredients in flu vaccines include: aluminum, formaldehyde and many other dangerous and potently toxic compounds, and the side effects from vaccines is an extensive list.
“Serious reactions to the flu vaccines include but are not limited to:
-Life-threatening allergies to various ingredients
-Guillain-Barre Syndrome (a severe paralytic disease that is fatal in about one in 20 cases)
-Encephalitis  (brain Inflimation)
-Neurological disorders
-Thrombocytopenia (a serious blood disorder)”(2)
“The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective” (3)
With all of these risks and many more, the flu vaccine would have to work wonders to be worth while, but studies actually show that it not only barely gives the slightest bit of immunity towards the flu, in many cases it actually causes the exact disease that it is supposed to prevent according to Dr. Mercola. The reason for this is that the flu vaccine actually uses live flu strains so that it will create antibodies and therefore bring immunity, but conversely the actual flu is cultivated in the body in many cases. “Before vaccines, many diseases that there are now vaccines for, were exceedingly rare, but after the introduction of vaccination for such illnesses, the victim numbers shot through the roof” (4). The biggest question following this information is, how many people who are vaccinated actually avoid the flu?
“Study after study comes back showing the same dismal results: the flu vaccines are not an effective method of prevention of the flu, and they do not save lives.” (5)
Therefore the answer is that very few people are benefitted whatsoever from being vaccinated.
It is not only what is in the vaccines or how little effect they have that is concerning, it is also how the health care companies advertise their probducts.
“Unfortunately, the CDC grossly distorts the facts about flu deaths, making the flu virus seem far more dangerous than is warranted. On the CDC’s main flu page1, they state that about 36,000 people die from the flu in the United States each year.
But if you search a little harder, you can find the actual number of people who died from the flu in 2005 (this is the most recent data that’s available) was 1,806. The remainder was caused by pneumonia. In 2004, there were just 1,100 actual flu deaths.” (6)
            The CDC tries to scare people into getting vaccinated by telling them that the diseases are far more dangerous than they actually are, and needless to say, we are reminded everywhere we look to get flu shots when the season comes around. To make it even more convenient, they are available almost anywhere, from the hospital to the drug store.
“Last but not least, I think it says a lot that 70 percent of doctors and nurses, and 62 percent of other health care workers do NOT get the yearly flu shot.
The reasons why they opted not to get vaccinated were:
-They didn’t believe the vaccines would work                                                     
-They believed their immune systems were strong enough to withstand exposure to the flu
-They were concerned about side effects” (7)
             So far we have found that flu vaccines are dangerous, have a low success rate and in many cases cause the very thing that they are supposed to prevent, and that health care workers themselves do not get vaccinated because they know the truth of the matter. So why do the pharmaceutical companies put millions of lives at risk of serious health issues, painful side effects, and in some cases even death? The answer is MONEY, people will pay a lot to have immunity to the flu and other diseases and some vaccine costs are in the hundreds. So simply multiply the vaccination cost by however many million people live in the area, it’s a lot of money, obviously it is worth it to doctors and health care workers to put dangerous substances into peoples bodies if it earns them a fortune. With all of this information it is undoubtedly true that vaccines do far more harm than good.

Works Cited
 (1) Government of Canada Vaccines for children at Canada. ca. 30/04/2018 Web.

(2), (5), (6), and (7) gathered from Flu Vaccines Exposed: How effective is the flu vaccine?  By Dr. Mercola. 9/26/2009 Web.

(4) Indirect quote gathered from THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINATIONS History and Hoax Bollinger Ty. 2018 Web.

(3) Spoken by Dr. Len Horowitz, found in THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINATIONS History and Hoax Bollinger Ty.

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